R.I.P. Little George. No Longer With Us

UPDATE: Little George was a beautiful kitten found recently abandoned and in bad shape. After being brought into the care of Oasis Animal Rescue and placed into one of the homes in our pet foster care network, he started to bounce back and we had a lot of hope for him. Unfortunately, Little George suffered […]

And The Kitten Naming Contest Winners Are…

Our illustrious Kitten Naming Contest Judges have been pouring over the huge amount of entries we received and they’ve now selected the winning kitten names (thanks so much to everyone who participated). So with no further ado… Drumroll Please…   Congratulations to Sara Pennington for naming Kitten #1: “Oscar” Congratulations to Hannah Decarie for naming […]

Cruel Women Dump Unwanted Cat in Oshawa Alley

Staff at Oasis Animal Rescue, on Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, were shocked on Tuesday when two women appeared to carry out their threat of dumping their unwanted cat in a back street alley – deliberately adding to the problem of homeless pets roaming Oshawa streets. “This is a too-common problem,” says Janet Smith, Executive Director […]

Max – Happily Adopted

UPDATE: Here, at Oasis Animal Rescue, the happiest moments are always when a new home is found for one of the pets in need that come into our care. Today we’re happy to announce that Max, a beautiful cat with a beautiful (but stubby) little tail has been adopted. YAY! If you’re able to provide […]

Rusty. Forever Home Found For Lovable Corgi Mix

UPDATE: GEEZ. That was quick!!! Thanks to everyone who enquired about Rusty this week. All of you who follow the stories of animals on our website know that sometimes it takes a little time to find a family willing to take on a new pet, but Rusty had the light of luck shining on him […]

Peanut Finds Forever Home She Was Hoping For

UPDATE: Happily, Peanut was adopted yesterday. She’s now in her new home and we know that, after a little exploring and investigating – as all good cats do, she’ll find the most comfortable spot in the house and settle right in! Enjoy your new home Peanut. It was nice to have you with us and […]

Maya Has A New Forever Home

UPDATE: We’re so pleased to let you know today that rescue cat Maya has been adopted. To those who have met Maya when visiting our office, you’ll agree that she was a lovely cat – you may even have seen her playing surrogate mother and giving a bath to some of the rescue kittens. Maya […]

R.I.P. Braveheart. Lost To Kidney Disease

UPDATE: Sadly, rescue cat Braveheart, who recently came to Oasis Animal Rescue after being found abandoned and starving, has passed away due to kidney disease. As you can tell from the text below, we had all hopes for Braveheart to find a new forever home after life had thrown a few curve balls at him, […]

Help Us Name The Kittens – Your Chance To Win An Oasis T-Shirt!

Contest Closed – Winners Announced… Oh No!!! Nameless Kittens!!! This cannot go on any longer….This is ridiculous…Amy’s Kittens Need Names. They’re nearly one month old, for goodness sake!!! You’ve Gotta Help – These kittens need names NOW   Enter Here To Win Before June 18th: Our illustrious panel of Highly Professional Kitten-Naming Judges (ahem) will […]

Lady Grey Has Sadly Passed Away. R.I.P.

UPDATE: We’re sorry to report that Lady Grey unexpectedly passed away June 3rd due to liver failure. Besides being only eight years young, what makes this event particularly sad is that Lady Grey was still on the adoption list, so unfortunately she never got to enjoy the love, attention and comfort she would no doubt […]

Mr. K. Will Be Fabulous Addition To Any Family

UPDATE: Mr. K has been adopted. —————————- Mr. K is, unfortunately, seeking a new home. His previous owner is extremely fond of him but her 5 month old son has developed severe allergies to the little guy and there seems to be no alternative but to find him new adoptive parents. Mr K is neutered, […]

Piper Overlooked No More – She’s Been Adopted

Update: We never know why some pets remain on the adoption list longer than others at Oasis Animal Rescue. Sometimes it’s because they are older, and sometimes it’s just because they appear to be too laid back, but eventually the right adoptive family comes along and the long, sought-after happy ending occurs. So we’re delighted […]

Trinity – From The Streets Of Pickering To New Home

Update: Trinity no doubt faced scary times during the months she was left to fend for herself on Pickering streets, but we are now happy to report that she has been permanently adopted and is settling comfortably into her new home. The Oasis Animal Rescue team continuously meets lonely and abandoned pets in Durham region. […]

Mocha United With New Family

UPDATE:  Mocha the Siamese cat that was left alone when his elderly owner suddenly passed away, left Oasis on Saturday afternoon to live permanently with his new family. It can often take a good amount of time to re-home a pet that finds itself alone after a sad event, especially an older pet. So the […]

Forever Home Found For Rescue Kittens Venus, Jupiter

UPDATE: Visitors to our office at 86 Simcoe Street North in Oshawa have been entertained by the antics of these kittens over the past few weeks. After having been found abandoned behind an apartment building with no sign of their mother, Raphael, Venus and Jupiter were brought into care at Oasis Animal Rescue. Raphael was […]

Playful Roger Now Enjoying Playtime In Permanent New Home

  UPDATE: We suspected that Roger’s bubbly personality would soon grab the attention of someone searching for a rescue cat to adopt. YAY! We were right. Roger’s a great cat who has now been adopted into the home of someone who cares very much for animals. So, without a doubt, we’ve been able to find […]

Nibby (AKA Julius), From Cardboard Box to Comfy New Home

UPDATE: Not only has Julius been adopted into a terrific, permanent home, he’s also had a name change. So we’re pleased to introduce Nibby – no longer the cat that was left on our doorstep in a cardboard box – now a happy family member in his new adoptive home. (Don’t you love this photo […]

Barnaby, Rescued From Busy Highway Now In Forever Home

  UPDATE:  We are so pleased to let you know that Barnaby, has now been adopted and is happily, and comfortably, settling into his new forever home. After being found by a passerby at the side of a highway and brought to us at Oasis, he was noticed on this website by one of our […]

Rescued After Tossed From Car. Cat Chloe Finds New Home

UPDATE: Rescue Cat Chloe, has now found a new forever home. Best of luck Chloe. —————————   Original Text: Chloe needs a bit of peace and quiet. This friendly, lovable little lady was rescued a number of months ago after being tossed from a car in cottage country. Luckily she was physically fine but unfortunately […]

Three More Abandoned Kittens Arrive At Oasis

These little babies were found abandoned in an outlying shed on a residential property in the Mary and Adelaide Street area of Oshawa by a local resident. We have no idea how long these three kittens had been alone. Despite watching over the area for many hours there was no sign of a mother. As […]