Come One, Come All… 11a.m. – 4 p.m. • • • Discover more about… The Pet Adoption Process Becoming A Temporary Pet Foster Carer Volunteering With Oasis (and acquiring community hours) • • • Pet Valu Brooklin Will Match Donations Members of the Oasis team will be on hand to discuss our […]
Maisie. Cat’s Life Improved After Uncertainty – Adopted
UPDATE: Congratulations go out to Maisie. She’s been adopted. YAY! After a rough time last year when her owner moved away and her sister passed away, Maisie the cat has been staying in temporary pet foster care while we searched for her new forever home. But Maisie and her foster carer started to grow on […]
If You See A Dog With A Yellow Ribbon…
The Yellow Dog Project asks for your help… If you see a dog with a yellow ribbon or something yellow on it’s leash it means: This dog is a dog that needs space. Read More: The Yellow Dog Project
Emma. A Quiet Retreat… R.I.P. Emma
UPDATE: Sad News. This past weekend, Emma died peacefully in the arms of one of our team members. When shy, beautiful cat Emma arrived at Oasis, we were hoping to find a caring and quiet household for her to enjoy. Unfortunately, that wasn’t to be. Liver disease was what has taken Emma from us. She […]
Lucky The Cat Has Left Us – R.I.P.
UPDATE: Sadly, our veterinarian recommended euthanasia for this handsome cat. He was diagnosed with late stage kidney disease. Lucky had been abandoned in an apartment and perhaps his previous owner knew how sick he was. R.I.P. Lucky. ——————————————— Original Story: Lucky is definitely a “lucky” boy for a compassionate Durham Region resident spotted him and […]
Halo. Senior Husky Finds Great Retirement Home
UPDATE 12 March: Great, Great News! Halo has found her forever home – In New York State! Halo’s new owner drove all the way from upper New York State to claim the new addition to her family. She lives in the country, has two horses and two cats and works in the medical field. Lucky […]
Howie. Life Threw Him A Curve But OK Now
UPDATE: Howie has been adopted by a long time Oasis volunteer. This young lady and her mother have been “rolling up their sleeves” and providing everything they could to Oasis over the last seven months including supplies for the food bank, toys, treats and leather couches for the felines and endless hours of devoted ” […]
Mika. Sweet Cat Will Bring Joy In Her New Home
UPDATE: Great News… Everyone was working hard at finding a home for Mika (and her long-time friend Luna) and now their present owner has found them a forever home with a retired gentleman. She is assured they will be well cared for and greatly loved for a long time to come. YAY!! We still have […]
Luna. Dearly Loved Cat Finds Great New Forever Home
UPDATE: Knowing that it can often take time to re-home a pet, Luna’s present owners asked Oasis to help them spread the word that a new forever home was needed for this playful guy (and his friend Mika). They also continued to actively participate in the search and the result is that they’ve found the […]
Scarlett. Affectionate, Sociable, Adoptable Cat Finds A Home
UPDATE: Scarlett lucked in. She has been adopted by the same loving couple who adopted Quaker from Oasis last year. They have a great apartment in Toronto and were looking for a companion for their present cat. The two felines took to each other immediately. So congratulations Scarlett. Best wishes in your new home with […]
Jade. Boxer And Vezsla Cross Finds New Home
UPDATE: Success! Jade has found her forever home in Toronto with a young, active couple who own a spacious condominium and a summer cottage for week-end adventure in the out of doors. Both individuals are involved in biking, running and a variety of sports so Jade will be getting lots of exercise. Best wishes in […]
Calico. Adoptable Cat Loves Attention, Toys And Her New Home
UPDATE: Congratulations go out to Calico (and her best friend Miranda) – both have been adopted as companions for a senior lady in Durham region. Best of all? Their new mom is good friends with their previous owner who naturally is now very happy that she will be able to follow their progress from her […]
Mario And Luigi. Kittens Dropped At Our Door Find Homes
UPDATE 5 March, 2013: Good news… Kitten Luigi was adopted by a lovely couple with two daughters who ensured that the choice was a family affair. Virtually all members visited the foster home to zero in on what kitten would be theirs. They have another cat called Harry Potter who, at three years of age, […]
Samson. Handsome Bengal Cat For Adoption
UPDATE: Samson has been adopted ————————————– Sad to say, Samson’s owner decided that this handsome, engaging feline was no longer wanted and offloaded him to a family member who brought him to Oasis hoping we would agree to find him a forever home. We are happy to do so. At 10 years of age, Samson […]
Ginger. Cat On Prowl For New Forever Home, Finds It
UPDATE: Ginger has found is forever home. Original Story: Ginger is on the prowl. He is searching for his forever home and has elicited our help. Smart boy. He knows that his new adoptive family is just around the corner with help from Oasis. Two years of age, neutered and up-to-date on his vaccinations, Ginger […]
Leo. Lionhead Rabbit Finds Forever Home
UPDATE March 5, 2013: Great news for Leo our Lionhead rabbit. He is going to spend the remainder of his long life with a young couple who grew up with bunnies. Their last little chap passed away of old age and the void in the house was too large to wait any longer before replacing […]
Sad Start, Great Result For Cash The American Bulldog Cross
Update: After a difficult search Cash has found the best new home and we are so pleased. American Bulldog cross Cash first came to Oasis from an abusive situation (including an attempt to turn him into a fighting dog!). As a result, he is currently very afraid of other dogs and many people. Since his […]
Oasis Article in UOIT Durham College Chronicle
A nice article about Oasis Animal Rescue has been posted in UOIT / Durham College’s “The Chronicle”. Have a read…. Written by Michael Denault, “Oasis Helps Homeless Animals Survive Well” quotes our own general manager, Deanna Milne.
Zap Has Found A Forever Home
UPDATE: Zap has been fortunate and found his forever home. Best wishes and congratulations. ———————————— Zap is a dog that needs a stable home. Unfortunately, past attempts at re-homing have failed for various reasons and he has, sadly, found himself homeless once again. He’s had quite a stressful time over the past 5 months. When […]
Sapphire. Adopted But Kittens Coming Soon!!
UPDATE 25 Feb, 2013: Wouldn’t you just know it? It turned out that Sapphire was pregnant when she arrived at Oasis!! Luckily for her, that hasn’t stopped the “empty nester” couple who have decided to adopt Sapphire anyway and are thrilled that her pregnancy has elevated them to the status of “about to be” grandparents. […]