UPDATE 22 September: Congratulations go out to Milo – he has found his forever home! Milo will be residing in a lovely condominium in downtown Toronto with a single woman and a companion cat. The fun has already begun! All the best to you and your new family, Milo, from your pals here at Oasis. […]
Storm. Dog Unfortunately No Longer With Us – R.I.P
UPDATE 11 Sept: Unfortunately we have learned that Storm has been put to sleep. While in the hands of a trainer, Storm bit a small dog – forcing his official caregiver to make the decision that euthanasia was the best option. R.I.P. Storm —————————————- Original Text: Storm is certainly a magnificent looking canine. A cross […]
Rusty. Great Dog Seeking New Family – NOW ADOPTED
UPDATE 8 September: Congratulations to Rusty. He has found a permanent home and has left today to join his new family (of dog lovers and pet rescue supporters). What luck! Of course he’ll never be able to replace a beloved pet dog, recently lost due to illness, but he will no doubt find his own […]
Doobie. Sociable Cat, Suitable For Any Home – R.I.P.
UPDATE: Doobie has unfortunately passed away. ——————————— Doobie came to Oasis earlier this year with his best friend Dexter when a human member of their family developed a severe allergy to cats. Both cats were looking for new permanent homes but unfortunately Doobie’s friend Dexter passed away in early September with what presented as a […]
Hermione. Cat Sought Safety With Local Resident
UPDATE: Hermione has been adopted. ————————————– Hermione unceremoniously planted herself on the doorstep of a local resident looking totally bedraggled and in need of food, attention and a good long nap. It was quite evident that this endearing, eight year old girl was, at one time, someone’s beloved pet but fate had consigned her to […]
R.I.P. Dexter
UPDATE 5 September: We are very sad to report that Dexter has passed away. He was far too young (just 4 years of age) to have left us but became quite ill two months ago with what presented as a liver ailment. No matter the battery of tests this little guy was put through the […]
Foster. Australian Shepherd With Boundless Energy – ADOPTED
UPDATE 2 Sept: We’re happy to announce that Foster has found his forever home. This friendly dog has been adopted by a couple in Toronto who also have a 3-1/2 year old rescue dog of the same breed. They live in a beautiful condo overlooking a very popular park (heaven for dogs). Foster’s new family […]
Charly. BIG Bouvier/Golden Doodle Mix Dog Finds A Home
UPDATE 28 August: Charly is off to cottage country! Charly has been adopted by a gentleman who lives in The Muskokas in a huge house on plenty of property to satisfy a dog with the boundless energy that Charly has. He is taking a week off of working on any projects simply to allow Charly […]
Miley. Young Cat Abandoned – Now Happy With New Family
UPDATE 28 August: Miley, abandoned earlier in the year in an apartment complex, is now happily at home with her adopted family. Miley has been adopted by a couple (hubby is a member of the Canadian Army) with two children who specifically chose this little girl after meeting and spending a bit of time with […]
Knuckles. Cat Recovering From Surgery Rewarded With Permanent Home
[Caution: Graphic Images Below] UPDATE 28 August: First, a HUGE thank you to every one of the generous Knuckles supporters who helped us out with veterinary costs for this fantastic little guy. As a non-profit organization caring for pets that are often abandoned, neglected or suffering, our vet costs can be enormous. Without your support […]
Silver. Sweet Rabbit Adopted – Joins Two New Friends
UPDATE 28 August: Silver, the cutest little rabbit ever, has been adopted by a woman who has two rabbits. She lives in an amazing apartment with long hallways for Silver to navigate so the bunny will have lots of fun playing with the cats and getting “mega” exercise. ——————————————– Silver is the sweetest little rabbit. […]
Sable’s Four Well-Socialized Kittens For Adoption – UPDATE!
Meet Sable’s four adoptable kittens: Neva, Lolita, Elvira and Santina. UPDATE 14 October: Neva has been adopted by her foster parents. They have another cat for company and are true “cat people” from many years back. A very nice couple and obviously true animal lovers. Congratulations Neva. Two remaining kittens – Lolita and Santina – […]
Cora. Unwanted Cat Left In Box On Doorstep. Now Adopted
UPDATE 14 August: Cora has been adopted by her long time foster father who lives in Oshawa. She has a spacious home with lovely gardens to gaze upon from her favorite front window perch. We’re so pleased you’ve found a permanent home Cora. Best wishes from all of us at Oasis. ———————————————- Original Story: Cora […]
Zira. Calm, Sociable Lap Cat For Adoption. Finds New Home
UPDATE 14 August: Zira has been adopted by a gentleman who lives in Oshawa with his two teenage children. He is semi retired and thus spends a lot of time at home. Zira will have, as a pet companion, a skinny pig by the name of Chips. Lucky girl!! Congratulations Zira from all your friends […]
Kelsey And Chloe. Two Cats, Two Different Personalities. Home Found
UPDATE 12 August: A new home has been found for Kelsey and Chloe by their previous owner. Happily, these two cats will be able to continue sharing their unique personalities with their human friends and we wish them all the very best for the future. Congratulations girls! —————————————————- Original Story: Kelsey and Chloe are good […]
Reward Offered For Return Of Beloved Cat Millie-Louise
Have you seen Millie-Louise? Last seen on Moyse Drive, Courtice (Highway 2 and Courtice Road area) on June 4, Millie-Louise is a six year old, long-haired, grey and white cat who has been spayed and declawed. She is very friendly. Her family misses her so very much and offers a $100 Reward for her safe […]
Isabella And Her ‘Tartan’ Kittens – UPDATE
UPDATE 6 August: Thanks to Isabella’s foster mom, a permanent home has now also been found for ‘Bella’. She came to us with her four kittens and was placed in foster care earlier in the year. Now, thankfully, all the kittens and mom too, are relaxing, playing and having a grand old time with their […]
Flossie. Gorgeous Young Mother Cat Finds A Home
UPDATE 6 August: Congratulations Flossie! You’ll be pleased to hear that Flossie has found her forever home. Flossie came to Oasis back in May as a young mom with four kittens: Night, Callisto, Mojo and Jubilee. Her foster mom, who helped her with the kittens until they all found new homes, has been actively searching […]
Lucky Has Sadly Passed Away. RIP Lucky
UPDATE 12 August: After discovery of an untreatable disease, poor Lucky has now passed away at the relatively young age of just five years. RIP Lucky. You’ll be missed. ——————————————- Original Story: Good neighbors are as valuable in some cases as close friends and Lucky’s owner has been the beneficiary of just such a […]
Sammi. Sadly Has Passed Away. RIP Sammi
UPDATE 12 August: We’re sorry to announce that Sammi has passed away from an untreatable condition. So sad for such a young cat. RIP Sammi. ———————————————— Original Story: Sammi is the direct beneficiary of the compassion and “good Samaritan” attitude of a Durham Region resident. When Sammi’s owner was admitted to a retirement residence he […]