Jazz. Affectionate Cat Finds His Forever Home – Adopted

UPDATE Aug 8, 2016: Jazz has been adopted. His former owners were able to find a good match and everything is going fine as Jazz begins to adjust to his new surroundings. Congratulations to all. ————————————- Original Post: Jazz has been dearly loved for many years by his original family. Unfortunately one of the two […]

Tribute to Donald Panos, An Early Oasis Supporter

Mr Donald Panos, an early advocate of Oasis Animal Rescue, passed away Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at St Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, with his loving family by his side. Donald was the very first, caring individual to offer a donation to Oasis Animal Rescue and we couldn’t be more grateful. Though he may not have […]

Glory. Young Kitten Finds His Forever Home – UPDATE

UPDATE 18 June, 2016: Congratulations again to adopted kitten Glory (now known as Oliver in his new home). Looks like all are enjoying being together and Oliver has settled in well with his new family. Have fun Oliver! UPDATE 15 June, 2016: Glory has found his forever home with a Durham Region couple and their […]

Goldie’s Five Kittens. All Adopted to New Homes

UPDATE May 28, 2016: Goldie’s kittens are now 3-1/2 weeks of age, learning to play and interact with each other. All have been adopted.   UPDATE May 25, 2016: The last kitten in Goldie’s litter has been adopted. Candy’s new home is with a couple, their fifteen year old daughter and an 11 year old […]

Thomas. Affectionate, Social, Male Cat Finds Loving Home

UPDATE 26 May 2016: Thomas has been adopted by a lovely couple in Whitby who already own two, 15 year old feline companions. These folks have a long history of caring for, and loving, the cats in their household. Thomas, we believe, is in excellent hands. Congratulations Thomas! ————————————– Original Post: Thomas is a handsome […]

Jonah & Sunshine. Playful Kittens Find Their Forever Home

UPDATE May 25, 2016 Jonah and Sunshine have been adopted together by a couple who reside in Durham Region. These little ones will be the only pets in their new home. Best wishes in your new home Jonah and Sunshine. ——————————– May 16, 2016: Jonah and Sunshine are siblings. They are eight weeks of age […]

Mona. Lap Cat Finds Loving New Home – UPDATE

UPDATE 11 May 2016: Mona has been adopted by a wonderful couple who live in Whitby. They became her foster family several weeks ago and fell in love with the little lady. We know that Mona now has a wonderful home in which to pass her “golden years”. Hallelujah!! ——————————– UPDATE 25 April, 2016: Two […]

Jackson. Friendly Male Bunny Seeking A Forever Home

  Jackson, a playful, friendly bunny, is searching for a new forever family. A young child in his present household has developed severe allergies to this sociable “pocket pet” and thus, in spite of being very well cared for and loved by his present owner, dwarf rabbit Jackson must be re-homed. At three years of […]

Takoda. Now Enjoying Weekends At The Cottage – UPDATE

UPDATE May 10, 2016: Takoda was adopted from Oasis Animal Rescue back in early 2013. His adoptive family tell us that he has become a great dog and they’ve sent along the following pics to share with our followers. It’s always nice to hear how an Oasis adopted pet is doing. Nice to see you […]

Jack. Handsome Cat Finds Perfect Forever Home – Update

UPDATE April 23, 2016: Such good news. Jack was adopted the latter part of 2015 and is thriving in his new home in northern Ontario. He has gained weight, grown a new coat and is settling into a life of “comfortable leisure”. He is much loved and has learnt the art of “feline complacency”. UPDATE […]

Josie’s Kittens. All Five Now Adopted

UPDATE 23 April, 2016: Four weeks old and looking great! UPDATE 18 April, 2016: Here’s a couple of pics of Josie and her kittens relaxing. All of the kittens have been adopted. Momma cat Josie is now looking for a permanent home (when the kittens are old enough to join their forever homes). ———————————————- UPDATE […]

Marlee. Elegant Cat Like An Egyptian Princess, Adopted

UPDATE April 23, 2016: Marlee has found her forever home with a retired couple in Newcastle. After fostering this little lady for a few weeks they decided to officially welcome her into their family. We know that Marlee will be dearly loved and well cared for as the years go by. So happy for you […]

A Stable New Home Finally Found For Cat Maximus

UPDATE April 19, 2016: Great news!! Maximus has found his forever home with a couple in Oshawa. There are existing cats already in the home so he will not lack for feline company. His new family welcomed him with open arms and we are thrilled for our Max. Congratulations Max! Best wishes from all at […]

Molly. Surrogate Momma Cat Finally Finds Her Own Forever Home

UPDATE March 30, 2015: Fantastic News! Molly has finally found her new, forever home with a young woman who was looking for an affectionate, gentle, “low maintenance”, feline companion. We believe that little Molly has been matched perfectly!! She has already settled in and is making herself right at home. Congratulations Molly, you deserve it! […]

Milo. Fortunate, Sociable Cat Finds Forever Home

UPDATE March 14, 2016: Milo, after patiently waiting for the right match, has found her forever home with a Durham Region family. All reports indicate that she is settling in quite happily. Congratulations to all. ———————————— Milo is an extremely fortunate, might we even say lucky, little cat. Turning up in a local resident’s backyard […]

Three Cute Guinea Pigs Find A Home Together

UPDATE 14 March 2016: Pepper, Hunter and Swordsman, our three adorable little Guinea Pigs, have found their new home with a friend of their former owner. Happily they were adopted together. ————————————- Pepper (one year of age) and Swordsman and Hunter (both three months of age) are adorable “pocket pets”. Presently living in an active […]

RIP Kitten Ellie. Sadly Passed One Day Before First Birthday

Born on February 9, 2015 to rescue cat Jesse, kitten Ellie (aka Cali) has passed away on February 8, 2016, just one day shy of her first birthday, due to FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). Ellie touched all hearts in the home of her adoptive mom, and our Oasis team would like to express sincere condolences. […]

Maybelline. Adorable Lionhead Rabbit – ADOPTED

UPDATE 9 Feb 2014: Maybelline, our adorable little bunny, has found her new, forever home in Kitchener. All the best in your new home Maybelline…Enjoy! ————————————– Original Post: Maybelline is an absolutely adorable Lionhead bunny!! At one and a half years of age, vet checked and declared 100% healthy, little Maybelline is a friendly and […]

Eugenie. Affectionate Cat, No Longer Homeless

UPDATE Feb 3, 2016: Eugenie has found a forever home with her foster mom’s sister. There are other felines in her new household for companionship so this little gal, accustomed to living in a busy environment, will not be lonesome. Congratulations Eugenie! —————————————- UPDATE Nov 6, 2015: Eugenie has been identified as a rare breed […]

Cream. Super Affectionate Persian Cat Has Found A New Home

UPDATE 1 Jan, 2016: Cream has been adopted. A new forever home was found a week or so ago and all seems to be going well. Congratulations Cream, and all the best in your new home. ———————————————- Original Post: Cream is an exceptionally gorgeous bi-colour Persian. Seven years of age, spayed and up-to-date on all […]