Large dogs, regardless their age ( adolescent through golden years), are difficult to place at the best of times. Shelters are full of these unwanted canines and, more often than not, euthanasia is the end result. All too many naive families adopt these breeds when they are cute, playful, endearing puppies but fail to recognize that these adorable little doggies will grow quickly into powerful animals who are completely unmanageable unless they have been properly socialized and trained.
Maddie’s Mission addresses these concerns directly. Our mandate is to rescue a minimum of two large dogs ( 75 pounds plus) every month and find him/her a safe, loving forever home with a family who understands their needs. To do so we need help in the form of foster families. These individuals are the glue that binds our organization together.
Please reach out if you believe
you can assist us in this mission,
call 289-385-6293
Or, complete and send this form to receive an application: