Zap has been fortunate and found his forever home. Best wishes and congratulations.
Zap is a dog that needs a stable home. Unfortunately, past attempts at re-homing have failed for various reasons and he has, sadly, found himself homeless once again. He’s had quite a stressful time over the past 5 months.
When Zap first came to Oasis he was cared for at our partner kennels. He was afraid of men, and other dogs, but within weeks he had made huge progress. His fears became a past issue and he was deemed ready for adoption.
Once adopted however, reports came back indicating he perhaps needed more help. We’ve been told that Zap has clear separation anxiety when being left on his own for any length of time. We’ve also learned that he has become very wary of most strangers (young and old, male or female), and anything on wheels (from strollers to cars, buses and trucks), causing even a pleasant walk to become a stress-filled experience for all.
Of course any animal suffering from high-levels of stress is a worry for us at Oasis. Both large and small animals alike can become a danger to themselves and the people around them if they don’t have the right support.
One on one, when he knows he’s safe, Zap can be the most loving and loyal dog, calm and willing to please. We know Zap truly is a great dog, but we also know he needs help to be stress free and at his best, consistently.
Zap Really Needs To Find The Best Help
The only option now has to be a search for an expert handler/dog trainer, experienced in helping dogs cope with stress and fear, and willing to dedicate the time and effort it will take Zap to be rehabilitated. Zap will never find a permanent forever home unless this happens.
We’re calling on all of our supporters to help us help Zap.
Please share Zap’s story everywhere you are able. We need to try to reach every expert dog handler we can – near or far – and we can only do it with your help.
Somewhere out there is the one person who can save Zap and we need to find that person quick.
Zap needs a willing “Dog Whisperer”. Please help Oasis find the best one for him.
Interested in pet adoption? Please call Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send our online contact form.
Durham Region Cats For Adoption.
Durham Region Dogs For Adoption
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