Tribute to Donald Panos, An Early Oasis Supporter

Donald Panos. Oasis Animal Rescue Supporter

Mr Donald Panos, an early advocate of Oasis Animal Rescue, passed away Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at St Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, with his loving family by his side.

Donald was the very first, caring individual to offer a donation to Oasis Animal Rescue and we couldn’t be more grateful. Though he may not have realized it, his donation was the encouragement that our start up team at Oasis needed. By confirming that there were indeed people in the community willing to help, Mr Donald Panos’ gift actually inspired our team to move forward with a cause that has since allowed us to rescue, care for, rehome or reunite more than 1000 pets in need. For that we are forever thankful.

He was 72 years young when he passed and had owned and operated Don’s Meats on St Clair Ave West in Toronto for over 40 years. A valued community member, we know that Donald was also a true supporter of many groups and organizations engaged in the business of rescuing domesticated pets from the streets.

He certainly passed down his love of pets to his children but also, and without doubt, his community support has meant that so many people, young and old alike, have been able to experience the joy and companionship of having a pet in their home.

Our sincere condolences go out to Donald’s family and friends. On behalf of all the pets in need he has helped and the many organizations he has supported, thank you.

Janet Smith
Executive Director, Oasis Animal Rescue



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