

Congratulations Tinkerbell. What a lucky girl you were finding a new forever home with your foster parent! Tinkerbell had been in and out of other foster homes ( and even an adoptive home) with no luck until she landed at Christine’s. Perfect. A great match has been made!

Original Text

Tinkerbell is a beautiful, three year old female cat who is spayed and up to date on her shots. She has had a rough time over the past eight months and we are hoping that a permanent, stable, forever home will be hers in the very near future. Her original owner could no longer care for her due to illness and, after a few months, she was placed in a foster home that proved to be far too hectic and busy for her quiet, gentle nature. She was then adopted by a senior couple who decided, in less than two weeks (obviously giving her NO time to adjust to the new environment) that “cat ownership” was not for them. So, Tinkerbell, little Tinkerbell has been moved from one place to another constantly for months on end and deserves far better. This is a cat who will make a wonderful companion for anyone who gives her a chance.

If you are interested in adopting any of the pets you see on this website, please contact Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center or you can see our listing of Pets Looking for a Home.


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