Tiger’s Home Situation Was Not Ideal – Great Now!

Adopt Tiger - Oasis Animal Rescue


Tiger is now the sole feline member of a retired couple’s household. These folks have been involved in rescuing pets their whole lives and, in actual fact, care for a feral cat in their backyard. Tiger will be loved and coddled for the balance of her life.

What a lucky lady! She went from a home that was not ideal to one that is perfect. Congratulations to you and your new family Tiger!




Tiger is a sweetheart considering the fact that she came from a hoarder’s home that was overflowing with cats and thus she was not able to receive the special love and attention that any feline so justly deserves.

Spayed, up-to-date on all of her shots and in excellent health, Tiger is social, laid back and extremely gentle.

Our hope is that this little lady finds a forever home with perhaps a senior citizen or an individual who works from home and can lavish Tiger with special treats, toys and lots of hugs.


If you, or someone you know, is interested in adopting Tiger and providing her with a new forever home, please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send our contact form:

See more cats hoping to be adopted soon.

See dogs seeking their forever homes.

Read about pets who have found new homes


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