Smokey And Tigger. Himalayan/Tabby Cat Litter Mates

adopt cats smokey and tigger
UPDATE: Smokey and Tigger will be remaining in their home. The thought of parting with these two was too much and their owners have decided it’s best they stay.
Smokey and Tigger were litter mates and have spent eight happy years with an attentive, loving owner.
A new husband, however, has entered the scene along with allergies that have forced a decision to be made. Smokey and Tigger must find a new home. Both cats are neutered and up-to-date on their vaccinations.
They keep each other company and have never been exposed to other animals. Playful and affectionate, these two Himalayan/Tabby mixes would be quite content to relocate into a quiet, relaxed environment with a senior citizen or retired couple.


View more domestic pets available for adoption at the Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center, Durham Region.


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