Scottish Silver Cat Muza Needs A Forever Home

Muza is a stunning Scottish Silver boy who, at two years of age, is neutered and up-to-date on all vaccinations.

Playful, inquisitive and social, this affectionate boy likes nothing better than gazing at the wildlife ( squirrels, bunnies, birds) in his backyard through a large glass window.

Muza has lived since he was a kitten with 2 children ( now ages 6 and 9) but has had no exposure to other pets.

We suspect this cat would be a great feline companion for a senior couple or retiree who could ensure that he was the centre of attention in their home.

If you would like more information about adopting Muza please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send this contact form:

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CATS For Adoption – Toronto and the GTA.

DOGS For Adoption – Toronto and the GTA.

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Oasis Animal Rescue – a non profit organization providing Durham Region, Toronto and GTA with humane animal rescue services – specializes in pet adoptions, re-homing and community outreach programs. Telephone 289-385-6293

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