Rachel. Most Affectionate Cat Meets Her New Family

Rachel. A cat for adoption


Rachel has been adopted by a couple with two older cats. They had no intention of adding to their feline family but fell in love with Rachel when they visited the office.

Can’t say that we blame them! Rachel is adorable. Her life started out a little rough, but now we know she’ll enjoy the best of care.

Best wishes in your new home Rachel, from your friends at Oasis Animal Rescue.



Rachel is certainly one of the most affectionate little ladies that Oasis has encountered over the last 24 months!

Rescue Cat Rachel for Adoption

Her story was not a happy one but we know that her forever home is just around the corner.

Rachel, now approximately one and a half years of age, was rescued from a kill shelter in Hamilton. She was pregnant at the time but miscarried while being driven to our office.

She subsequently spent almost two weeks in residence at the vet clinic (back in June 2012) because she was so ill with an upper respiratory infection. Today, however, this beautiful gal is healthy and in great shape and looking only for all the love and attention she so justly deserves. Will you be the one who adopts affectionate little Rachel?

If you, or someone you know, is interested in adopting a rescue pet, please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293.

View more domestic pets available for adoption at the Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center, Durham Region.

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