We’re pleased announce another happy ending. Fluffer has been adopted by a father and his son just outside of Peterborough. They lost their elderly cat several months back and were looking for a replacement to keep the senior gentleman company.
For this family, there was no cat better than Fluffer to welcome into their home.
Congrats Fluffer. The team at Oasis Animal Rescue and your new family would like to say THANKS to the kind neighbour who decided to help you out when your future was uncertain. They did the right thing bringing you to Oasis and now everything has worked out great after a pretty tough few months.
Fluffer has had a TOUGH five months.
This 10 year old, ‘Seal Lynx Bicolor Ragdoll’ cat, is up-to-date on all of his vaccinations and neutered.
The gentleman with whom he resided his whole life has been confined to a hospital bed since early this year and, unfortunately, the prognosis is not good.
Fluffer has occupied the apartment they shared on his own since February and his owner’s extended family have decided it is time to “dump” the cat.
Thankfully a kind neighbor stepped in and brought this friendly, affectionate boy to Oasis.
He is safe with us now but the goal is to find him a forever home. Will it be with you or a member of your family?