Peaches & Cream In A Comfortable New Home

Cat For Adoption. Oasis Animal Rescue


Congratulations Peaches and Cream on finding your forever home. After quite a few months in foster care, this lovely girl has now joined her new family… two young women and a dog in Toronto.

We’re sure Peaches and Cream will settle in well and wish her all the best.



‘Peaches and Cream’, seven years of age, spayed and up-to-date on her vaccinations, is a lovely little cat.

Having spent the majority of her years in a crowded household she is ready now for a bit of peace and quiet with a new owner who will lavish her with attention and affection.

Although initially shy when she encounters new folks, Peaches and Cream quickly warms up and demonstrates how friendly and sociable she can be.

A multi-cat family would be fine for this attractive feline and a senior citizen would, potentially, provide a relaxed and secure forever home for Peaches and Cream.


If you, or someone you know, is interested in adopting a rescue pet, please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293.

View more domestic pets available for adoption at the Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center, Durham Region.


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