Pampered Chef Fundraiser To Support Oasis

pamperedchef logo - independent consultant fundraising for oasis animal rescueOasis Animal Rescue To Benefit From Healthy Living With The Pampered Chef

James Cook of The Pampered Chef has thoughtfully selected Oasis to benefit from his fundraising event:

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 – 7pm

The Pampered Chef House
1207 Brock Street South, Whitby



From his website:

Make the difference save a life! It is possible.
By learning to prepare impressive, budget-friendly recipes that will be ready in 30 minutes or less!
The Pampered Chef is dedicated to providing high end kitchen tools to simplify your life, as well as to promote healthy living in the community. February is all about ending abuse.
That is why it gives me great pleasure to say, “With every purchase made a percentage will go directly towards OASIS ANIMAL RESCUE. ITS IN YOU TO GIVE



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