Mia. Soon Sharing All Her Love In New Home


Another perfect match! Mia (full name: Mama Mia) wished for lots of love and attention and she’ll soon be getting that in her new home in Windsor, Ontario. With the help of our network of friends, this active website and our facebook page, the Oasis reach goes far outside Durham Region to help pets in need and when an animal lover spots “the one”, distance is no hurdle.

By the end of this month, gorgeous Mama Mia will be sitting pretty in her comfortable new home where she’s sure to be the focus of attention. Have fun Mia and don’t forget to send pictures of yourself relaxing in your new digs.


Adopt Mia - Cat - Oasis Animal Rescue

Adopt Mia - Cat for Adoption - Oshawa

Original Text:

Mia, an eight year old, female orange and brown tabby, is spayed and up to date on all of her vaccinations.

This particular little lady is accustomed to being surrounded by other felines and would feel somewhat lonesome if placed in a single cat family.

Her circumstances over the last number of years have not been the best from a socialization standpoint and it would be best if Mia was adopted by a single individual or couple who could lavish her with loads of attention and affection. A household with no children and no dogs would be ideal.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in adopting a rescue pet, please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293.

View more domestic pets available for adoption at the Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Centre, Durham Region.

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