Marley. 18 Months And Best Of Two Breeds

Adopt dog Marley

NOTE: Enquiries about adopting Marley should now be directed to the Humane Society of Durham Region.

Marley simply loves children. At eighteen months of age, this German Shepherd/Lab mix combines the best of both breeds and would do well as part of a multi generational household.

Marley is young enough to frolic with the youngsters yet mature enough to enjoy a solitary walk with a senior member of the family unit.

Up-to-date on her vaccinations, spayed and micro-chipped, this friendly and playful dog will tolerate other animals but would be better in a home where she is the sole canine. Her present owners are in the midst of a marital breakdown and thus little Marley has no choice but to find a new home.



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Oasis Animal Rescue – a non profit organization providing Durham Region society with humane animal rescue services – specializes in pet adoptions, re-homing and community outreach programs. Telephone 289-385-6293

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