Louie – Forever Home Found

Adopt Louie - Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center

UPDATE: We’re so happy for him…Louie has been adopted. All the best in your new home Louie.

There are lots more dogs and cats available for adoption in Durham Region. Please contact us today for if you would like more information or if you can provide one of our rescue pets with a forever home.

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Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center


Original Text: This sad looking little chap is Louie, an eight year old male who is neutered and up-to-date on all of his vaccinations.

Louie has had a rough time over the course of the last few years and is badly in need of a loving, forever home.

Friendly with humans of all shapes and sizes he is, on the other hand, seemingly afraid of other animals. Who knows what trauma he has experienced in the past?!?

Open your heart to Louie. Lavish him with all the attention he so justly deserves.



View more domestic pets available for adoption at the Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Centre, Durham Region.

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