UPDATE 23 January:
Finally these two girls have been adopted. YAY!!
Kiara and Nala were originally placed by Oasis as kittens with a young man in Oshawa who adored them. Due to an unfortunate change in his living conditions, however, they could no longer live with him and so the search for another home became necessary. It took quite a number of months but we’re happy to report that the search has ended successfully and they have been adopted.
Their new owner is a semi-retired, real estate practitioner who lives alone in Millbrook, Ontario. Her previous cat, who was a stray, died last year at 18 years of age and her home was feeling pretty lonely without the “pitter, patter” of little feet around the house. That has now been remedied in duplicate. Congratulations Kiara and Nala on finding your new home. Best wishes from all of your friends at Oasis Animal Rescue.
Original Text:
Kiara and Nala are siblings. At one year of age they are both spayed and up-to-date on their vaccinations.

It is our hope that they can stay together for they are best of friends and complement each other very well.
Nala is friendly, loving and very independent. She rules her world and is willing to fit into yours (on her own terms of course!).
Kiara, on the other hand, is a social butterfly and extremely affectionate.
Unfortunately their present owner can no longer accommodate them and thus these beautiful little ladies are looking for a new, forever home. Can you help?
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