Vocal Jasper. Happily Talking With New Family

Rescue Cat Jasper. Available For Adoption.


Jasper, a homeless cat in Oshawa that was rescued by a local resident has now found a new home. We’re pleased to announce that Jasper has been welcomed into a beautiful home in the Parkdale area of Toronto with three attentive adults, a toddler, a cat and a dog.

Jasper has gone from a scary existence, living alone outdoors, to having a new and caring family to ‘talk’ to in a great new home. We love happy endings, don’t you?

Congratulations from all of us to Jasper and his new family.


Talk, Talk, Talk … this is our Jasper … a vocal, adorably attentive little fellow who was found abandoned in the backyard of an Oshawa resident who called Oasis to offer him a second chance at life.

Initially Jasper was quite shy but once he become acquainted with his immediate surroundings (and the humans and other animals around him) he relaxed and became “one of the gang”.

It would appear that Jasper had a good stint in the out-of-doors for the tip of one ear is missing and he could well have been the victim of frostbite.

That life, however, is behind this expressive orange and white feline. A loving, treat filled forever home is what we are seeking for Jasper.


View more domestic pets available for adoption at the Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center, Durham Region.

 You can meet Oasis staff at these events…

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