Akira is a stunning example of the magnificence of the German Shepherd breed.
Eighteen months of age, spayed and up-to-date on all vaccinations, this good natured, family oriented guard/companion canine is a high energy working dog who is very smart and extremely trainable.
Akira requires regular exercise and mental stimulation which can be found by taking numerous walks, setting aside specific playtime and engaging in interactive activities.
This girl presently lives with an eight year old child quite peacefully but has had no exposure to other pets.
Proper socialization, therefore, must be considered a priority. All in all a very sweet puppy.
If you would like more information about adopting Akira please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send this contact form:
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CATS For Adoption – Toronto and the GTA.
DOGS For Adoption – Toronto and the GTA.
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Oasis Animal Rescue – a non profit organization providing Durham Region, Toronto and GTA with humane animal rescue services – specializes in pet adoptions, re-homing and community outreach programs. Telephone 289-385-6293
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