UPDATE 14 October:
We’re so pleased to announce that Sunny ( the last remaining kitten from the Park litter) has now been adopted into a multi-generational family. They were thrilled, when they picked her up on Sunday, to have such an adorable addition to their family.
Best wishes in your new home Sunny, from all your friends at Oasis.
UPDATE 27 Sept:
Harmony has been adopted into the same home as his brother Thornton. Isn’t that great?
Sunny is now the only kitten from the Park litter yet to find his forever home.
If you are considering adopting a kitten and you are interested in meeting bright little Sunny, please contact us today at 289-385-6293, or scroll down for our contact form.
There is some sad news to report however. Little Rotary, who was reserved for adoption earlier in the month, has passed away. The veterinarian was unable to determine a cause.
UPDATE 11 Sept:
Three of these little guys (by the way….they have all turned out to be male) have found their forever homes. Congratulations and best wishes go to Thornton, Sherwood and Rotary as they go off to join their new families.
Harmony and Sunny are still available. Please contact us for more information at 289-385-6293 or scroll down for our contact form.
These five kittens were abandoned, left to their fate, in an Oshawa park.
Thankfully their plight was brought to our attention by a concerned citizen and the kittens have now been rescued and are currently safe with one of our volunteer foster families.
(Photos and contact form below.)
Aged just about five weeks, they are fortunately highly socialized, which leads us to suspect that life did in fact start for them in someone’s home, and they’ve been separated too early from their mother. Perhaps the cost of feeding five kittens for a few more weeks was too much. Or the people just couldn’t be bothered with having to find new homes for these kittens.
Abandoning Kittens: Problem Not Solution
In any case, rather than keep them safe and raising them until eight weeks of age when the kittens and their mother are ready to leave each other, the person or people responsible may have selfishly created a solution for themselves, but, without regard, they also created a problem for our community.
Abandoning unwanted pets doesn’t just leave them vulnerable to dangerous situations like starvation or attack by wild animals – these kittens happened to be hiding in long grass, soon to be cut by powerful Works Department lawn mowers! The real problem is that abandoned pets that do survive go on to reproduce and add to the ever-expanding population of homeless pets on our streets. Citizens can then be harmed: perhaps through the spread of disease… a young child finding a sick pet and possibly being attacked as they attempt to rescue, or worse… a terrible car accident caused as a driver attempts to avoid a stray animal suddenly crossing the road. Simply because a neighbour was selfish, cruel or lazy.
Note to perpetrator: Abandoning pets to the streets creates a big problem for your fellow citizens, it’s not a solution to your situation.
Organizations like our Oasis Animal Rescue, and many other non-profit rescue associations across the country, can offer solutions. We’re doing our best – with extremely limited funds – to help rescue and re-home abandoned pets. Animal rescue organizations provide better options: help finding foster carers, permanent homes or with food supplies.
But please… please! Be a responsible pet owner and have your pet spayed or neutered to help our community reduce the problem of abandoned pets.
These five beautiful kittens will be ready to join permanent homes in three weeks. They have been examined by a veterinarian, treated for fleas and are healthy. They are currently too young to be dewormed or receive inoculations.
As a reminder of their start in life, each of these small kittens has been named after a popular local park. So let us introduce to you: Harmony, Thornton, Rotary, Sherwood and Sunnyside (aka Sunny).

Harmony – approx. 5 weeks – male

Rotary – approx. 5 weeks – female

Sherwood – approx. 5 weeks – male

Sunny – approx. 5 weeks – female

Thornton – approx. 5 weeks – female




Sunnyside (aka Sunny)

If you would like more information about adopting a rescue pet please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send this contact form:
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Oasis Animal Rescue – a non profit organization providing Durham Region society with humane animal rescue services – specializes in pet adoptions, re-homing and community outreach programs. Telephone 289-385-6293