Cecil. Mr Personality Finds Forever Home

rescue cat cecil

Adopt Rescue Cat Cecil


Recently, when Cecil – our rescue cat with a huge personality – met a nine year old boy while Oasis was on an outing to a community event, the two of them fell for each other. Thick as thieves they were. So happily, they don’t have to live apart. Cecil has been adopted and is now living permanently with his nine year old pal.

We’re couldn’t be happier for Cecil and his new family and wish them great times together.

Have fun!



What a gorgeous black cat is our Cecil. Just two years of age, neutered and up-to-date on all of his vaccinations, this loving and affectionate boy is, indeed, Mr. Personality Plus!!!

Rescue Cat Cecil, available for adoption

Cecil’s previous owner decided to move and chose not to take his loyal feline companion with him. We, at Oasis Animal Rescue, found this hard to believe once we got to know this quirky, spunky little fellow but know that a forever home with a more responsible owner is just around the corner for Cecil.



View more domestic pets available for adoption at the Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center, Durham Region.


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