Boots and Blair Abandoned No More – Forever Home Found

GREAT NEWS! We didn’t think it would take too long before a forever home was found for this double act. We’re happy to announce that rescue kittens Boots and Blair have now been officially adopted and are heading off together to their new home. YAY!! They had a lot of fun during their stay at our office on Simcoe Street North in Oshawa and all of our visitors adored them.

After a rocky start to life when abandoned with their mother Charlotte before being brought to Oasis Animal Rescue, we’re sure this brother and sister team will now have a comfortable life together with their new family. Now that mother Charlotte has also been adopted, we’re pretty pleased with a happy result for them all.

Have a great time in your new home Boots and Blair… let us know how you are doing so we can share your news with our readers. All the best from the team at Oasis.


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Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center


Original text:

Boots and Blair ( female and male) are ten week old kittens awaiting a forever home that will not separate them.

These two little guys are very close. Having been abandoned with their mother they have clung to each other and can generally be found playing or cuddling together. Boots and Blair are very similar in coloring with the stunning grey/ black/white markings of classic tabbies.

Healthy, full of energy and very sociable, these little guys will make a fabulous addition to any family dynamic. Lots of love, attention and oodles of treats are prerequisites for anyone wishing to provide them with a forever home.


If you, or someone you know, is interested in adopting Boots and Blair and providing this duo with a new forever home, please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send this contact form:

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