A Nice Update From Amy’s New Family

You’ll remember that our little feline pal Amy was recently adopted into comfortable new home. We received this nice update from her new mom and dad today:

Amy is home from yesterday’s spaying and is just fine. No indication that she even had the procedure. Just the sweetest and most friendly girl and getting along well with her new sister. Seems to love her new digs and has already taken a special chair that looks out to the back garden full of squirrels and birds and yes other “roaming” cats (which do not faze her a bit).

We’ve decided to change her name to Baby Bell in honour of our dear, dear, friend “Isobel” who we lost to cancer this year. She too was a huge friend to all animals and I know she would be happy to have such a beautiful cat named in her honour.

We are so grateful for the Oasis volunteers and their help in finding us this precious new addition to our family.

We will continue to support your group in every way possible.

Don and Jan

Great News Don and Jan. Thanks for that!

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