Tiberius | Forever Home Found!

Tiberius was found just prior to Christmas 2010 in the parking lot of an apartment complex in Oshawa at 100 Rideau Street. Not only was he lost, but he was in pretty bad shape. Hungry, skinny, cold and pretty scruffy looking.

Two kind souls brought him into their home, fed him, nursed him back to health and hoped that he would be their “forever” cat. Unfortunately, this was not be. One of the residents in their abode proved to be highly allergic to kitty dander and Tiberius could no longer reside with them.

He is a lovely little boy. Friendly, laid back, loves to be petted and held … Tiberius would make a superb addition to any family.

Tiberius was placed in a foster home and subsequently adopted by this family. A good news story for everyone involved!!!

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please contact Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center.

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