Skye | Forever Home Found

Skye and her brother Midnight were found in early September 2010 by a young boy behind his school in Oshawa. It is estimated that she was about 5-6 weeks of age at the time … far too early to have been separated from her mother.

For the next five months she was lovingly cared for by the boy’s extended family but unfortunately a death in the family has forced the boy and his mother to relocate to another province and Skye was available for adoption.

She is a beautiful little girl with silky, soft fur and a fluffy Persian like tail. Sky is a little nervous in new surroundings at first, but once she warms up she is very sweet and eager for affection.

She loves being petted and loves chasing her toys.  She isn’t at all too high energy or unpredictable like some cats can be.  A lot of the time she just lays on the bed.

Calm, reserved, affectionate and playful by nature she has been given a clean bill of health by the vet and is now living in her forever home!

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please contact Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center.

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