Puddin | Forever Home Found

Pudding stretches out for the camera

Pudding is a sweet rescued female (approx. 2 ½ years old) with soft thick fur, who was abandoned by her previous owners, but has now been adopted into a forever loving home.
She suffered a broken right back leg in January 2011 while homeless and had a successful surgery to repair the leg. Physiotherapy followed to promote strength and mobility; Puddin’ can walk well, with a minimal limp, and run and jump with no problem now. Her fur at the surgery site is now filling in.
She is sociable and gentle, but shy at first.
Puddin’ is neutered and has had necessary vaccinations; she knows how to use her litter box and scratch board.

Puddin’ was adopted in July of 2011! For more information on how to adopt any other pet you see on this website,
please contact Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center.

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