Harley and Tofino | Forever Home Found

Eight Kittens Looking For A Forever Home

Tofino - Kittens Looking For A Forever Home

Harley - Looking For A Forever Home


Harley and Tofino are the last two kittens left from a litter of eight. Their siblings have all found wonderful forever homes and the pair are looking for similar placements. Both females, Harley and Tofino are now six months of age and up to date on their vaccinations. These little guys, presently in a loving foster home with two children (eight and ten years of age), are thriving in this environment and would be a wonderful addition to any household large or small.





For more information on how to Adopt any or all of the kittens presented on this page or any other pet you see on this website, please contact Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center.

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