Great News!
All of Smokey’s kittens have now been adopted into permanent homes — YAY!!
Bandit was adopted by a senior editor for romance novels in Toronto. She just lost one of her cats to illness and was looking for a companion for her existing 3.5 year old feline.
Titan was adopted by a couple with a small child and a dog. The kitten was a gift from the man to his family although they all made the choice of what kitten in the litter caught their fancy by actually visiting the foster home before making a choice.
Eve was adopted into a household of four people ( husband and wife and two teenage sons) and two small dogs in Courtice.
Tiger Lily will be residing with a couple and their three sons who are all in their twenties. They also have two big dogs and a cat.
The next litter available are Rouge’s kittens – there are two girls and one boy
Check out the latest pics of Smokey’s kittens – Titan, Tiger Lily, Bandit and Eve.
Aren’t they gorgeous?
For more information about adopting one of these little cuties, contact Oasis on 289-385-6293, or scroll down to complete and send the contact form.








Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily – Hungry Kitty!!!



If you would like more information about adopting this rescue pet please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send this contact form:
I'd like to know more about adopting a pet from Oasis:
Please check you've entered your contact details correctly. When you press 'Submit', you will be redirected to our home page and a confirmation email will be sent to you - if not received in your inbox, please check your spam box. If applicable, please also specify the name of the animal you are enquiring about. Thank you.Powered by Fast Secure Contact Form
Awwwww! Smokey delivered four beautiful kittens. They’ll be available for adoption around the New Year:
Update: December 4th, 2012:
Meet Titan, Tiger Lily, Bandit and Eve
Now over 3 weeks old, these little guys and their mom are coming on a treat. Two boys, two girls – curious, playful, mischievous and… blowing the top of our “cute-o-meter” !!
Update: Nearly one week old, getting cuter and cuter by the minute… Mom Smokey is looking pretty good too!
Smokey – about to be a mom. This beautiful, year old feline. Kittens due soon and she’s as round as a ball:
Gentle, sociable and extremely affectionate, Smokey is presently living in a foster home with another cat and a dog. She does well with both.
We will keep you updated on her progress and ensure that pictures of Smokey’s little family are posted as they become available.
So come back soon! 🙂