Baby Bunny Bailey Finds Forever Home

Update May 10:

Bailey the bunny was adopted yesterday by a little girl and her mom. They originally came to Oasis looking for a cat but fell in love with Bailey. She will be the only pet in the household and we are promised that she will get lots of attention and “out of cage” time.

Congratulations and best wishes in your new home Bailey. We know that you and your new best friend will have a great time together.

We still have quite a few rabbits available for adoption. Will one of them be your new best friend?

Update March 27:

Born January 31st, Bailey was the only bunny that survived from the litter of six born to rescue rabbits Reese and Caden.

She’s a cutie! And she’s looking for a new home.

Bailey is now eight weeks of age. She is very friendly but also shy when around strangers. She has been brought up with cats in her foster home so would, no doubt, welcome a feline companion who can play gently with her – or, another rabbit of course!

Baby Bunny Bailey

Baby Bunny Bailey. Female. 8 weeks old.


Contact Oasis today for more information about adopting Bailey. You can use the contact form at the bottom of this page or call 289-385-6293.


Update Day 30:

This was the first litter for mother rabbit Reese and we suspect that her inexperience with motherhood has been a factor in the loss of the majority of her litter. Of the original six that were born, just one has survived to Day 30. We can’t predict if the final baby (kit) will survive, we can only hope for the best knowing that this remaining kit has always been the strongest, biggest and “first-to-arrive-last-to-leave-the-dinner-table” of the bunch. We’ll keep you posted… please cross your fingers and toes!

Update Day 20:

Isn’t this the cutest baby bunny picture you’ve seen today?

20 day old rabbit

Update Day 15:

Despite keeping our fingers and toes tightly crossed, Mother Nature sadly had a different plan for two more of the bunny babies and they passed away last night. However, the two remaining rabbits appear to be strong, healthy, happy and fluffy. Their eyes are now open as well.

Contact us today if you’d like more information about these cute little fluff balls.


Update Day 13:

Sadly, a second of our bunny babies has lost its battle to survive and we are now down to four. Clearly we’re hoping that we don’t suffer any more loss. The older they get the better their chances are to grow big and strong but we still need you to keep your fingers crossed. We’re now at Day 13 and they’ve become fluffy little cuties:

Rabbits for adoption

Baby Rabbits For Adoption.

Update: Day 5
Unfortunately one of our little bunnies wasn’t strong enough and didn’t survive past day 5. Keep your fingers crossed that all the rest will be stay strong and grow quickly. Already, in this photo, you can see that their fur is starting to grow.

Baby Rabbits at 5 days old

Here are the baby rabbits at 5 days old.

Two day old baby rabbits. Soon available for adoption.

Day Two.

Here they are, just two days old… six baby bunnies born to mom Reese and dad Caden on January 31st, 2013.

All going well, in eight weeks these little guys and gals will be available for adoption – we assume there’s a mix but we don’t know how many boys or girls yet.

Once they’ve grown a little bit of fur and we can get some good photos, we’re probably going to need your help to give each of these six bunnies a name. So check back soon, or click the box at the bottom to subscribe easily to our pet updates – straight to your email inbox.

Rabbits Reese and Caden for adoption

Mom Reese and Dad Caden


If you would like more information about adopting a bunny, please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send this contact form:

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Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center


Oasis Animal Rescue – a non profit organization providing Durham Region society with humane animal rescue services – specializes in pet adoptions, re-homing and community outreach programs. Telephone 289-385-6293

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