Update 1 April, 2013:
Momma cat Rouge has now been adopted too – all’s well that ends well for this little family.
Update 11 February, 2013:
More great news! Inch, the remaining kitten from Rouge’s litter, was adopted by a woman with two kids and a dog. They live in a HUGE home and he will have lots of company and room to run around in.
Update 23 January, 2013:
Great News!! Three of Rouge’s kittens have found new homes and, when old enough to leave their mother, will be heading off to join their new families. One kitten – Inch – remains on our adoption list. Contact us today to adopt Inch.
There may be other kittens – not yet listed on this website – that may soon be available….Feel free to contact us about adopting a kitten using our contact form.
Update: The kittens are now three weeks old and like exploring (when not snoring!!)
Here are some new pictures for you showing the kittens at 12 days and three weeks (they were born 28 December). If interested in adopting one of these little ones (2 girls, 2 boys), scroll down to send our contact form – or call Oasis Animal Rescue on 289-385-6293.
Meet Kittens Rudy, Inch, Noelle and Missy….
UPDATE (21 Jan): Kittens Noelle and Rudy have been adopted.

Missy, at 12 days old (born December 28).

Inch, at 12 days old (born December 28).

Noelle, at 12 days old (born December 28). ADOPTED

Rudy, at 12 days old (born December 28) – ADOPTED
Photos below show the kittens at three weeks old. They were born 28 December 2012.
Rouge had her last litter for 2012 ( and there will be NO more). A kindly Oshawa resident came to her rescue, and that of her kittens, several months ago ( litter # 2 for 2012!) and managed to find homes for all of them except Rouge.
So, the little lady came into our care. We suspected that she was pregnant but only time would tell. Guess what?!?! She gave birth to four beautiful kittens on December 28th.
All are healthy and mother and babies are doing fine. They will be available to be adopted in early March.
If you would like more information about adopting Rouge or one of her kittens please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send this contact form:
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Oasis Animal Rescue – a non profit organization providing Durham Region society with humane animal rescue services – specializes in pet adoptions, re-homing and community outreach programs. Telephone 289-385-6293