Baby. Home Found For Beaten Rescue Kitten

Adopt Rescue Kitten Named Baby

ALL OF YOUR HELP PAYS OFF! Thanks to all of our loyal readers for sharing our rescue pet stories with your friends on facebook, twitter, tumblr and other great social networks.
Without you we would really struggle to find forever homes for the pets-in-need that cross our path every day.

Here’s another success story you’ve helped to happen….Baby was adopted by a lovely young couple in North Oshawa who already have a 2 year old female, spayed cat.
They are thrilled to offer her a home considering the sad state in which she was rescued.

Remember, your help in finding a forever home for needy pets doesn’t stop with the pets. You’re also helping families, seniors, single people, and the kids. People that adopt a rescue pet often tell us that these loyal animals add more fun, companionship and love to their homes.
So please keep up the good work and share our pet rescue stories and thanks for making a real difference!


Baby is adorable. This 12 week old kitten was discovered by an Oasis volunteer in a local park. She and her mother, Simba, were being beaten by a woman and her kids with sticks in an effort to kill them without paying the cost of euthanasia.

The world can be a horrible place!!

Deemed fully recovered from such a traumatic event, having been de-wormed and administered her first shots, Baby is now looking for a permanent home to call her own.

This little gal is full of life, a great talker and has endless energy. Our hope is that Baby will be adopted into a household where there is already another feline with whom she can interact.

If you, or someone you know, can give Baby a forever home, please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293, or complete and send this contact form:

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View more domestic pets available for adoption at the Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center, Durham Region.


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