The Four ‘Disney’ Kittens – All Now Adopted

UPDATE – Jan. 15

All of the Disney kittens have now been adopted.

UPDATE – Dec 17:

Now that they are ready to leave their mother, the first of our Disney kittens has found a new forever home with a couple of new forever buddies! Rafiki has been adopted into a family with a male pug dog to play with and a super intelligent 10-year-old boy – who will of course be a candidate for Prime Minister one day! Together, we’re sure, they are going to have plenty of fun-filled years ahead of them.

Rafiki’s siblings: Kennai, Meeko and Abu are hoping to find forever homes too. Perhaps you can help? Contact Oasis today if you would like more information about adopting a kitten. 289-385-6293.


Our adorable Disney Kittens: Keenai, Meeko, Abu and Rafiki (now adopted) are getting bigger and stronger. Here are a few shots of them, now 5 weeks old and each starting to show their funny personalities. Mom Blair seems pretty content and proud of her brood too.

The kittens and Blair will be available for adoption mid-December. If you’d like to know more about adopting one or more from this little family, please contact us today at 289-385-6293 or complete and send the form below.

Cat Blair and her kitten

A contented mother!

Kittens Kenai and Abu

Awwww….So Cute! Kenai and Abu.

Kittens Abu and Meeko playing in litter box

“Hey! I’m getting the hang of this….apparently you’re supposed to kick the litter out of the box!


The following photos show the kittens at 2-1/2 weeks of age:

adopt cat Blair and her 4 kittens

At just 2-1/2 weeks, these four kittens and their young mother named Blair arrived at Oasis Animal Rescue after being found behind a pool business in Scarborough.

The Oasis team is used to meeting a lot of funny animal characters so it was inevitable that before long we’d meet some little guys named after famous Disney characters…  Meet Kenai, Meeko, Abu and Rafiki. (We’ll try to get individual pictures of each and post them – right now they’re always feeding or cuddling together – as young kittens love to do!).

Apparently this is the second littler in 2012 for Blair ( the employees of this seasonal business had been feeding and caring for the little family all summer) and the remaining two of her first batch ( about three months of age) are being kept by the owners of the shop and cared for appropriately.

All of these beauties and their mother Blair will be available for adoption when the time comes. Perhaps you’ll be able to provide a home?


If you would like more information about adopting rescue pets, please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293.

See more cats hoping to be adopted soon.

See dogs seeking their forever homes.

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Oasis Animal Rescue and Education Center


Oasis Animal Rescue – a non profit organization providing Durham Region society with humane animal rescue services – specializes in pet adoptions, re-homing and community outreach programs. Telephone 289-385-6293

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