Belgian Malinois/German Shepherd cross Maddie Has Found A Forever Home

UPDATE 24 March 2025:
Madame ( fondly called Maddie) has found her forever home with a Kingston couple and their two teenage children. A houshold with a spacious outdoor play area and access to parks and hiking trails is what this girl needs and, we are happy to report, she now has. We are thrilled for Maddie and know she will thrive with her new family.

Original Post:
Madame ( fondly known as Maddie) is a five year old Belgian Malinois/German Shepherd cross.

A true “cuddle bug”, and without doubt a Velcro dog, this girl absolutely loves every human being she comes into contact with (especially men). Sadly Maddie does not feel the same way about other dogs, regardless their size, and cannot reside in the same household as another canine. Cats, as well, are a “no go” for Maddie exhibits a high prey drive.

Spayed and up-to-date on all vaccinations, Maddie is extremely intelligent, easily trainable and an eager participant in any and all interactive games including fetch, tug of war and hide & seek. Members of this breed are well known for their moderate to high level of energy and require a considerable amount of exercise to keep them both physically and mentally stimulated.

Maddie would thrive in an active household where she is truly treated as an integral part of the family and can blossom into the loyal, affectionate canine companion she is meant to be.

If you would like more information about adopting Maddie please contact Oasis at 289-385-6293,
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Oasis Animal Rescue – a non profit organization providing Durham Region, Toronto and GTA with humane animal rescue services – specializes in pet adoptions, re-homing and community outreach programs. Telephone 289-385-6293

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